Last Friday Ryan and Paul took the boys so that we could have a girls night. When I picked up Ashley we laughed about how we packed the diaper bags and reminded them of a million things to do and not to do. This was the first night that they had taken them out, together. Besides playing at one of our houses. Trying to push aside the slight worry, we knew they would have a great night. It is so important for boys to have special time with their dads.

They went and had hotdogs at Billy’s Gourmet Hod Dogs and then went to the Downtown Aquarium.

They did such a great job and I was pleasantly surprised to come home and see that Ryan had taken a few pictures!!


Liam is going through this new phase where he wants us to all leave the house together and if we don’t….^^^^


But Daddy calmed him down. AWE I LOVE THIS!!!!!^^

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Little Buddies! They can’t take a good picture together to save their lives.

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HAHA very proud of these amazing Daddies!