4 months.


There is a ton of cute photos in this blog post. I apologize if you can’t handle it.

Oh this baby. He is just pure joy! We are for sure starting to realize that he is physically ahead of the curve. He is rolling everywhere, and while playing with him one day I realized that he is able to hold onto a surface and stand! He has been working on sitting up on his own, almost there! He is itching to crawl and trying very hard to. He has started to really enjoy being carried like a big boy (yikes)

He got his first cold…which is still bugging him. I felt so helpless but I know I better prepare myself for many more to come! He is also battling some eczema. I think he has an allergy to something, not quite sure what yet.

I know there is many mixed reviews about this, but we decided to let him try some organic* rice cereal on Sunday (doctor approved and suggested). He took it well….except for the fact that it took me a few seconds to get the spoon from the bowl to his mouth! That made him mad, Haha!

Liam is really loving his toys all of a sudden. They are a must everyday. He has one toy that we have to take with us whenever we go anywhere and he holds it the whole time he is in his carseat. He really enjoys looking at himself in the mirror and he like seeing pictures of himself. He laughs at me when I make up silly songs, which I do all day long. Seriously i’m a 24 hour entertainer!

We keep waiting for a tooth to poke through but nothing yet! Everything goes straight to the mouth and he is starting to drool like crazy so we will be patient. he doe this new pouty lip face…which you will see below, but it one of my favorite face his makes. I love those lips!!

2013-03-19_0021Sad, Thinking, Silly, Happy

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Telling me a story.

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Those lips.

2013-03-19_0030 2013-03-19_0031

Really Mom? Really?

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Again, with the lips. SWOON.

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1 Comment

  1. Krista Doyle

    LOVE all the pics! So cute!!!