6 months, really? Half a year??? WHAT THE HECK?!?! Time flies when your having fun I guess and everyday is fun with Liam. Some days more exhausting than others, but still fun.

I don’t know why exactly it has taken me so long to get this post up. I think I want to write to perfectly describe Liam, but he is changing so much everyday, so rapidly, I cant even keep up.

Here is what I can say. Liam at 6 months is observant, happy, curious, rough, social, and very independent. His laugh. Oh my gosh his laugh. Makes the angels in heaven smile I’m sure.  His gross and fine motor skills are ridiculous. One day he was sitting up on his own the next thing I know he is moving forward into a crawling position! He is gaining mobility a little more everyday. He doesn’t quite crawl but more of reach and scoot. His little finger dexterity is amazing can pick up such little things and pass it back and forth between both of his hands. He also loves untieing strings. He untied my shoes one day. Debbye got him a great book where he can untie strings on every page. He likes to play all day, only taking breaks to eat and take 3-4 30 minute naps. I will tell you right now, it is hard to get anything done in 30 minutes!!!! He sleeps face down butt up. Have doen everything to change it but thats how he wants to sleep. Playing usually consists of building towers with the soft blocks and he knocks them down, musical instruments, and rolling a ball back and forth. He love loves his Huxley and Huxley loves him too. He is very protective of Liam and usually beats me to his room when he cries in the middle of the night! We went swimming for the first time and he loved the pool. Being swimmer myself, I was awfully proud!! He really enjoys being around other kids and likes going to the church nursery. He has learned how to take his diaper off so that sucks! He will still eat anything out of anything. Doesn’t matter. Even starting trying a sippy cup which he likes to try and hold himself. I had to stop nursing him a week after he turned 6 months because I had to go back on stupid medicine for my crohns. I took it harder than he did.  He is still a happy spitter. I imagine he will be spitting up probably into his early 20’s. Oh and he got his first tooth. Popped up the morning after he turned 6 months!!

At his 6 month check up check up (which really happened when he was 6 1/2 months) He weighed 19lbs 3 oz. Exactly 10 lbs from birth! He is in the 73% for weight 66% for height and 70% for his head! He also hit the doctor in the face then tried to give her a kiss.

I feel like there is so much more to say about him, but I cant even express how in awe of this little boy I am. I know everyone thinks their child is exceptional but Liam you are truly a gift from God.

We love you Liam Michael.


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This is how he looks at me when I tell him NO!


Inquisitive .2013-06-07_0005 2013-06-07_0006 2013-06-07_0007 2013-06-07_0008 2013-06-07_0009 2013-06-07_0010 2013-06-07_0011 2013-06-07_0012

I dont really know what this is about. Hahaha.