
I’m currently writing this post wrapped in a blanket made by a dear friend for Liam on his amazing glider that was given to us by longtime friends, that was reupholstered by his sweet Gramma Debbye.

The past few days have been a whirlwind of emotions for me (baby update coming soon) but one thing that has stayed constant and continues to get stronger is realizing how truly blessed we are to have such amazing family and friends. Everyday God just seems to bring another blessing in our life through those around us and I’m just bursting with thankfulness. Sometimes, I seriously can’t believe how kind you all are to us. It really blows me away! The amount of gifts you all have given and baby things that have been passed down has afforded Liam to have literally EVERYTHING he could need and more. Thank you all so much!

I would like to take a moment to brag about how amazing, loving, thoughtful, and hardworking the parents are that Ryan and I are fortunate enough to have. Since we found out that we were pregnant I cant even tell you the amount of times my mom has come to clean our house, or how many hours my father in law has put into working on our house, or how thoughtful and giving my mother in law constantly is, and the great job my father did drywalling the basement. They are all a constant stream of love, support, and wisdom. Doing whatever it takes to help us without batting an eyelash! We are so so blessed to have them and honestly would have struggled without them! They are all going to make such amazing grandparents and have spoiled this little boy so much already and he is not even here yet! Thank you so much Mike and Debbye, Mom and Dad! I wish I could shout it from the rooftops how much we love you and how thankful we are for all you do for our little family! Thank you for teaching us what it means to be great parents.

One thing is for sure, Liam is already one loved little boy. Thank you all for what you bring to our lives. I don’t think we could ever truly express how grateful we are for all of you and how much we love you!




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1 Comment

  1. love. 🙂