We have a son.

We are parents.

He is perfect in every way and we are so happy he is finally here.

Liam Michael McCarthy was born on November 19th, 2012 at 8:00 a.m.

He weighed 9lbs. 3oz. and was 21 inches long


When we arrived at the hospital at 5:30 in the morning, I was starting to have contractions on my own so I was glad knowing that he and my body were ready for what was about to come! Also after feeling a few I was not disappointed that I wasn’t going to experience them for long!

Leave it to my husband to make me laugh…constantly!

But he also knows when I need him. He has always come to my rescue.

Ryan had to wait outside the o.r. while they gave me my spinal. Which was a horrible experience because the anesthesiologist that was performing it could not get it in correctly. I lost count of how many times he stuck that needle into my spine. Ouch!

I’m so glad they allowed Ryan to capture this photo. Liam entering this world! I cry every time I look at it.


His proud daddy finally getting to come see him!

I will never ever forget this moment. One look at him and I was hooked.

They had Ryan take him to the recovery room and wait for me while I was sewn back up. My parents were in the hallway when Ryan came out of the o.r. holding our son and they said the look on Ryan’s face brought them to tears. He just looked so calm, happy and ready. He looked like a Daddy. They both said they have never been so proud of him as they were in that moment.

I was so ready to hold this sweet angel. Holding your baby for the first time is the best feeling ever. Period.

My loves. I am so blessed.

I love that head of hair!

We got to go home the evening before Thanksgiving. We had spent two and a half days in the hospital and we were very ready and excited to go home and start our new life together.


*We  had so many visitors come to welcome Liam into this world. Thank you all for being there for our little family. It was so special to share the experience with you all. I chose not to include those pictures in this post because honestly it would have taken me forever haha! The pictures are on my facebook though. If you don’t have a facebook and came to visit us please let me know and I will email you a photo of you holding Liam.*