I have never cried as much as I have within the past three months…….

Tears of joy that is!

It has been unreal spending everyday with my son. He brings so much happiness to our lives and truly has changed us for the better. We are learning to be more patient, understanding, and loving. I have a new found love for my husband seeing him as a father to our baby boy. I feel those butterflies for him that I did when we first started dating (8 1/2 years ago). I also feel that Liam has inspired me to rekindle my relationship with God. Not that I have ever stopped loving Him, I just was not investing my time in Him as much as I wanted to. I want Liam to grow up knowing Jesus the love He has for him, and I know as his mother, I need to set the example of what it means to be a Christ follower. Praying with Liam is one of the best parts of my day. I sometimes can barely get though our prayers because I am weeping with gratefulness that God gave us this perfect little boy. I just adore being his Momma.

Along with all the happiness I have been experiencing within my own little family, there is so much joy in the lives of the people around us which has also influenced all of the crying! Our friends/family are getting married, having babies, starting careers and finding their passions. We are so excited for all the 2013 friends that Liam is getting!! Some have already arrived, some are still on their way, and some are a secret still 🙂 Can’t wait to meet them all!

Anyway, being that it is Valentine’s week I thought it would be appropriate to get all sensitive for a minute. Whew, feels good!