
Laundry Day! 2013-01-19_0025

My little Warrior!

Must love whales.2013-01-19_0027

I love watching this man love on our son! The bedhead is a perk too! 2013-01-19_0028

5:00 am2013-01-19_0029

Crabby from a day of throwing up 🙁2013-01-19_0030

We started working out! Ryan is down 11 lbs and I have lost all my baby weight plus 10lbs!2013-01-19_0031

2013-01-19_0032 2013-01-19_0033

Afternoons with Liam.2013-01-19_0034 2013-01-19_0035

Finding his reflection.2013-01-19_0036 2013-01-19_0037

My sleeping angel.2013-01-19_0038

Ugh….Liam go ahead and get away with whatever you want!2013-01-19_0039

Wanting to crawl!2013-01-19_0040

They let my boys down. Dang Broncos!2013-01-19_0041

8 week old toes2013-01-19_0042 2013-01-19_0043 2013-01-19_0044 2013-01-19_0045

Where is his shield?2013-01-19_0046

Liam had a tummy ache. Hux is taking care of his boy.2013-01-19_0047 2013-01-19_0048

Morning playtime!2013-01-19_0049

We got dressed. Both of us. Amazing.2013-01-19_0050

Sometimes I still can’t believe he fit inside me!

Liam and his sweet friend Tessa!2013-01-19_0052

First Chipotle experience.2013-01-19_0053

Apparently we eat like grown ups now.