Liam’s first Valentine’s Day

I had way too much fun celebrating Valentine’s Day this year. Liam and I spent the day surprising the ladies we love (his Grandmas and Aunties). Huxley even got in on the action 🙂

That night I took my man out for what I thought to be his dream date….Mexican food and a Zombie movie. Ryan and I have spent a probably disgusting amount of our relationship going to the movies but it is something we really love doing together, so it was nice to go since it had been quite awhile.

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These eyelashes!!! I’m in love with them!

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Tessa, Adalie, Brynn, Elaina, Dallas, he is referring to you 🙂

His outfit says eleigible  bachelor (Thanks Dicola’s)

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I know I am way late posting this, but honestly this blog is for my personal happiness so I wanted to make sure this awesome day made it on here!