This sweet beautiful boy is already 1 month today.

I will probably say this every week for the rest of his life but how the heck has time gone this fast? I just try to soak up every second. I have sworn off saying “I can’t wait till he can ……” because I just want to bask in the moments of today. He already changes so much everyday I just dont want to miss a thing!

Liam is seriously just a mini Ryan. Everything about him just reminds me of him even some of his personality traits. We compared his picture with Ryan’s dad’s baby picture and Liam looks just like him! Though, I would say in the past week or so he has started to look exactly like Ryan’s baby pictures! I will have to get a comparison up soon. The only thing he has of mine are his lips.

I knew that because he was such a big baby he was going to be pretty hungry but oh my gosh I did not anticipate how hungry! He eats all the time you guys! Breastfeeding is hard enough, but feeding this guy is a tough tough job! I’m determined to stick with it though. In general, the only time he seems to fuss is when he is hungry, other than that he is such a good baby! He sleeps great and loves being cuddled. He is doing so wonderful with tummy time and holds his head up like a champ. He LOVES car rides and going on walks. He has done so great on every little outing that we have had which makes it so nice for his Mama! When he is awake he is so alert and observant and loves when I read him stories. He finally likes bath time and even started to kick and splash a little bit.

He just makes our world.

Oh, and your eyes are not deceiving you, yes this child’s hair is turning RED! The irish blood is strong in this one.

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