And so the bump begins….here we go! I am for sure starting to show and Ryan is so looking forward to being able to feel the baby move! I have been feeling movement for weeks now and it is just the greatest feeling.

Just a little update. We hit 16 weeks last Thursday 6-7-12. Can’t believe time is starting to fly by so quickly! We are getting so anxious to find out what we are having. Three and half more weeks!

We had our 16 week checkup last week and everything is going perfectly. Baby is very healthy and our blood work came back great. I have somehow not gained a single pound from my pre-pregnancy weight. In fact I’m down 4. The doctor is not concerned, she said we are both growing right on schedule. I have had so many issues in the past few years with my stomach (having Crohn’s disease) and my weight going on a roller coaster in between meds and being sick. Thank God I was in remission when I got pregnant because I have not had any issues with my Crohn’s and hopefully it will stay that way. I have finally been able to work a little bit of meat back into my diet. For a few weeks weeks I couldn’t eat any! Very unlike me, this kid craves Mexican food now and not a lot of chocolate! Ryan is really enjoying the fact that I want to eat Mexican food because he loves it and before I would NEVER want to eat it!

On a side note we got our new photography site up and running this week Also, spent a lot of time with our family which has been so nice. We kicked off summer right last night at the Cooke’s house accompanied by friends, drinks (not me of course), dominoes and s’mores. Tonight we are having Sean and Erin, Ryan’s brother and sister, over for dinner on our patio. So pretty much a great weekend! Looking forward to what this summer has in store for us!